HIV became aids in the early 1980s when researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered a way to make the virus more deadly. They did this by adding a gene from a monkey to the virus. This made the virus more able to attack and destroy the immune system of human cells. They also improved the virus’ ability to spread from person to person. The result of all these changes was the development of HIV/Aids. 

Today, HIV is still a serious health threat, and there is still no cure for the disease. However, there are treatments available that can help people live longer and healthier lives. In this post, we will be discussing the history of HIV and its drugs, and how they have helped people live longer and healthier lives.

                THE HISTORY OF AIDS

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). AIDS is a serious, life-threatening disease.
In 1981, the first cases of AIDS were diagnosed in the United States. 

AIDS was named after a virus that was identified in a patient with severe immunodeficiency.
At first, it was thought that AIDS was caused by a new type of virus. However, it was later discovered that the virus that causes AIDS is a variant of the virus that attacks the immune system.

                   HOW AIDS IS CREATED
HIV becomes aids when the virus mutates and becomes resistant to the drugs used to treat it. The reason why HIV becomes aids is because of how the virus is transmitted. The virus is spread through contact with bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk.


There are three ways that HIV becomes aids and their drugs. The first is when the virus attacks the immune system, which can cause many different symptoms. The second is when the virus attacks the nervous system, which can cause AIDS. The third is when the virus attacks the cells that produce AIDS drugs, which stops these drugs from working.

Each method has consequences that can lead to the death of the person infected with HIV. HIV can also become a fatal disease if left untreated. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can stop HIV from causing death.

Aids and their drugs are one of the most controversial topics in the world today. With so much money and power being invested in the pharmaceutical industry, it's no wonder the public is so divided on the matter.

To help make sense of the whole ordeal, it's important to understand how aids and their drugs are marketed. This begins with the premise that AIDS is a disease. This is not a scientific fact, but rather a political campaign to scare the public into accepting drug treatments that are not based in science.

The first step in the marketing of aids and their drugs is to create a fear of the disease. This is done by spreading the rumor that AIDS is a death sentence and that it can be spread through contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person. This is false. AIDS is not a sexually transmitted disease and it cannot be spread through casual contact.

Next, aids and their drugs are marketed as a cure for AIDS. This is also false. There is no cure for AIDS and no vaccine exists that can protect against it. The only way to prevent AIDS is to avoid getting the disease in the first place.

Lastly, aids and their drugs are marketed as a way to make money. This is the most deceptive aspect of all. Many people believe that the pharmaceutical industry profits from the sale of aids and their drugs. This is not true. The pharmaceutical industry profits from the sale of new drugs and treatments that help people live longer.

Aids and their drugs are used in a variety of ways. Here are just a few:
-To prevent the spread of the disease
-To treat the disease
-To help people stay healthy
-To help people live longer

There are many ways that aids and their drugs are used and it's important to be aware of them so you can make the best choices for your health. It's also important to know about the different drugs and their side effects in order to make the best decision for your treatment.


The impact of aids and their drugs is devastating. In the early days, it was difficult to determine who was infected and who was not. As a result, many people died from the virus that we now know as AIDS. 

Today, with a more accurate detection process, more people are living with the virus and dying from it. The death toll from AIDS has now surpassed 25 million people, most of whom were in the developing world.

We now know that AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the body's immune system, making the person infected susceptible to other infections and illnesses. This, in turn, damages cells in the body and damages the immune system to such a degree that the person can no longer fight off other illnesses.

As a result, people with HIV must take a cocktail of drugs to prevent them from developing full-blown AIDS. These drugs are expensive and can have serious side effects. Some people with HIV have to take these drugs for the rest of their lives.

There is now a vaccine available that can prevent HIV infection. However, as of now, it is not available to everyone, and it is still not 100% effective.

We must continue to fight AIDS and HIV, both in the developed and the developing world. We must work to make sure that people with HIV have access to the best possible treatment and that the vaccines that are available are affordable for everyone.

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system of humans. It can result in a number of health problems, including AIDS. There is currently no cure for HIV, but there are treatments available that can help delay or prevent the development of AIDS.

There are two types of drugs that are used to treat HIV: antiretroviral drugs and prophylactic drugs. Antiretroviral drugs work to suppress the virus and prevent it from replicating. Prophylactic drugs are taken before someone is likely to become infected with HIV.

It is important to take the drugs as prescribed by a doctor. If you do not take the drugs as prescribed, the virus will continue to replicate and you may develop AIDS. AIDS is a serious condition and can be deadly.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post on how HIV becomes aids and their drugs. This is an important topic that needs to be discussed more often, and we are happy to be a part of the conversation. 

HIV is a serious disease that can take many years to develop, and it is important to know everything you can about it. We hope that this post was helpful, and please share it with your friends and family. 
Thanks for reading!